Thursday, June 7, 2012

Andrew’s I.T Lesson of the month:


share large files with others

As you know, sharing large files with others can be impossible using email. To help people easily handle this task, a file exchange site has been set up by the NRF and is open to anyone.

To Share:

Visit and fill out the form.

· Click ‘choose file’ and select the file you wish to share (repeat until all the files you want to share are listed).

· Set the expiry time (how long the download will be available for) and a password.

· Set your email address and name to the other person can see who you are.

· Fill in the email address of the person you are sending the message to in the ‘send to’ space

· Type in a message if necessary

· Click ‘Process upload’

· Tell the recipient what the password is


Your recipient will receive an e-mail with a link to the download. When they click on the link, they will be taken to the Filesend site and asked for the password.

After typing in the password, a .zip file will start download. This file will contain the files you’ve shared.
Note: Each time the file is downloaded, you will receive a notification. This is useful for determining whether the recipient was able to retrieve the files or not.

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